Complete Subscription

This annual subscription is the complete package for building Claris FileMaker applications. With this subscription, you will receive a FULL copy of Claris FileMaker Pro, over 70 hours of video training, PLUS exclusive Video Content! That's over a $700 value, all for the introductory price of $399! (annual renewal is $50 off)

This Subscription includes:
  • One Copy of Claris FileMaker Pro 2024 (.fmp file NOT .claris)
  • FM Starting Point Enhanced
  • 70 hour Claris FileMaker Platform Video Course
  • 22 hour Claris FileMaker Deploy Video Course (Cloud and Server)
  • 9 hour Claris FileMaker Mobile Video Course (Go and Webdirect)
  • 2-3 hour Claris FileMaker UI Design Video Course (Bundle Exclusive, not available elsewhere)
  • 6 hour Claris FileMaker for Startups and Entrepreneurs Video Course
  • 1 Hour of One-on-One Coaching (Limit One Per Customer, New Customers Only)
  • PDF of FileMaker Manual for Novices current release
  • Access to ALL of our past LiveStream Broadcasts
  • Access to our Legacy Video Courses
  • Calendar Add-On Kit

Detailed list of videos included in subscription

  • Certification Training Day 4: Working with Scripts
  • Certification Training Day 5: Working with Scripts - Part 2
  • Certification Training Day 6: Securing FileMaker Systems
  • Certification Training Day 7: Deploying FileMaker Systems
  • Certification Training Day 8: Data Integration
  • Certification Training Day 9: Q&A

FileMaker Platform Course 2023

    Introductions - Overview

  • Welcome!!! Introduction Video
  • Course Organization
  • FMSP, Samples, and Work Files
  • The FileMaker Platform - Summary
  • Product Positioning
  • 90 Second Overview - FileMaker Cloud
  • What kind of Solutions can be made with FMSP?
  • Top 10 Need-To-Know Items In Filemaker 19
  • Upgrading 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16 Solutions to 17
  • FM Pro Vs. Pro Advanced
  • Requirements for Using FileMaker 19
  • SHOULD I upgrade to the latest FileMaker?
  • FM Starting Point Walkthrough

  • Quick Overview of FMSP's use in this course
  • 3 New Data Entry UI Choices FMSP 7
  • FMSP Device Support & Layout Organization
  • FMSP Walkthrough - Intro
  • FMSP Settings & Prefs
  • FMSP Complexity Theory
  • Script Numbering and Organization
  • FMSP Account & Contacts Walkthrough
  • FMSP Invoice Walkthrough
  • FMSP Contacts Email Template Walkthrough
  • FMSP Sales Follow-Ups
  • FMSP Invoice - New Line Items - Advanced
  • FMSP Estimate to Invoice Transfer Button
  • FMSP Calculating Margin and Markup in Invoices
  • Google Maps Walk Through in FMSP
  • Google Maps API Pricing Walkthrough
  • Tab Controls with Calculations
  • Super New Action Calendar
  • Calendar Under the Hood
  • Dashboard Charts Part 1
  • Dashboard Charts Part 2 - Scripting
  • Dashboard Charts Part 3 - Performance
  • Default Tax Rates in FileMaker Invoices - Auto-Enter Values
  • Migrating Data to a New Copy of FMSP - Using the FDMT
  • Old FM Starting Point Videos

  • What's new in FMSP 5?
  • What's new in FMSP 6?
  • Startup Bug in FMSP - FM 16 Warning... 5.0.1 - 5.0.8a
  • What's New in FMSP7?
  • Fundamentals & Basics

  • Opening Files - for New Users
  • What is a Database - Part 1
  • What is a Database - Part 2
  • Modes in FileMaker
  • Browse Mode, and the Delete menu item
  • Defining Fields in FileMaker & jumping to Layout Mode
  • Saving Data
  • Converting from .fp7 to .fmp12 file formats
  • Converting from .fp5 to .fp7 file formats
  • How to make a Copy of a FM Database
  • What is a Relationship? (Very Basic Video)
  • Deployment or Sharing Options - Overview
  • Basics of Sharing a Database using FMS or Cloud 1
  • Basics of Sharing a Database using Cloud 2
  • Performing Finds & Sorts

  • Finding Records - Basics
  • Finding - Multiple Requests
  • Finding Ranges of Dates
  • Finds with Special Operators
  • Finds and Indexing and Performance, Stored Calcs
  • Finds Constrain and Extend
  • Sorting Records
  • Custom Sort Orders
  • Working on Fields & Layouts

  • Layouts - Available tools
  • Tour of the Inspector Pane - Right Side
  • Tour of the Left Pane - Field & Objects Panels
  • Left Pane - Add-On's Panels
  • Adding Number Fields and Formatting Currency
  • Added Calc fields and Hiding Objects
  • Creating a Survey, Tab Panels & Value Lists
  • Value Lists - Under the hood
  • Hiding Objects & Conditional Formatting
  • Text Fields with User Specified Formatting
  • Merge Fields
  • Stored Vs Unstored Calculations
  • 3 Types of Buttons and One Glyph - Icon
  • Inline Field Labels
  • Auto-Enter Options for Fields
  • Introduction to Single-User vs. Multi-User databases
  • Record Locking Basics
  • Global Fields
  • Tooltips
  • Object Flags, or Badges
  • Object Alignment tools
  • Creating a new iOS Layout from Scratch - Stencils
  • Field Validation Options
  • Repeating Fields
  • Layout Badge Tooltips
  • Custom Currency in FMSP
  • Formatting Currency - When it goes into a Text Field
  • Remove Layout Parts, Without Removing Layout Objects
  • Button Bar as New Data Input Control Style
  • Container Fields & Document Management

  • Container Field Introduction
  • Why Select Secure Storage?
  • Thumbnailing - Under the Hood
  • Interactive Containers
  • Fixing Interactive Containers - Which are not Interactive
  • Containers in FMSP
  • When Container Storage goes Bad - Recovery Plan
  • Importing Multiple Images
  • Dynamic Window Control - Work Flow Control

  • Intro of Dynamic Window Control
  • Overview - Using Multiple Windows on Pro to Display Information
  • Overview - Other Window Control Tools
  • Popovers and New Window Command (Deep Dive)
  • Tabs vs. Slide Controls (Deep Dive)
  • Hamburger Menus
  • Making a Drawer with a Slide Control (Awesome Hack)
  • Advanced Layout Techniques

  • Making Layouts load 200% faster - Performance
  • 200% faster Part 2 - Performance
  • 200% faster Part 3 - Performance
  • Grouping with Slide Panels to Hide Objects
  • Get Object Attribute for Hidden Objects
  • What is a Virtual List? *** Advanced ***
  • Virtual Lists - Hierarchical Portal
  • Virtual Lists - Pivot Table
  • FileMaker 14 SVG Icon Helper Tool
  • Web Viewers

  • Web Viewers - Overview
  • URL Protocols
  • Two Way Communication with Web Viewers - JavaScript
  • FileMaker.PerformScriptWithOption - FMP 19.1.2 - JavaScript
  • Calculations

  • Calculation Engine & Work Space
  • Intro to Date and Time Calculations
  • Parsing Text with Calcs - Part 1
  • Parsing Text with Calcs - Part 2
  • Detecting Window Mode and Filter Function
  • Date Calcs
  • Detecting Device & Platform Types
  • Get Functions Walkthrough - Part 1
  • Get Functions Walkthrough - Part 2
  • Get Functions Walkthrough - Part 3
  • Get Functions Walkthrough - Part 4
  • GetLayoutAttribute
  • GetContainerAttribute
  • Get(UUID) and Get(PersistentID)
  • List Function, Summary List, and GetValue
  • SortValues and UniqueValues
  • Get (ScriptName) - Understand Timing Issues
  • While Function with Nick Hunter
  • While Function - Advanced
  • Writing Scripts

  • Scripting
  • Intro to Script Workspace
  • How Scripts can be activated
  • Understanding Context
  • My First Script - Set Field Command
  • Buttons run one Command
  • Navigation
  • IF...THEN...decisions
  • Variables vs. Globals
  • Performing Finds
  • Basic Error Capture
  • Calling Subscripts - Script Parameters
  • Advanced Script Parameters & Script Results
  • Looping Scripts
  • New Window - Script Step
  • Preserving User Context when running a Script
  • Script Debugger - Part 1
  • Script Debugger - Part 2
  • Data Viewer
  • UI Indicators for Database Activity
  • Perform Script on Server - PSOS
  • PSOS in FMSP
  • Testing for PSOS Availability
  • Remote Delete with Nick Hunter
  • Case Statement
  • Deduplicating Records, the Plan
  • Replace Command - A Tiger Loose at the Zoo
  • Landmines in FileMaker
  • Error Trapping - Record Locking Advanced
  • Testing to See if a Field or variable contains ONLY a number / Trim Function
  • One Use Loop Technique
  • Go To Object
  • Go to Related Record - GTRR
  • File Control Script Steps
  • Distinct Command with Nick Hunter
  • EFDAPI - Execute Data API
  • Script Triggers

  • Script Triggers - Intro
  • Script Triggers - Layout Specific
  • Script Triggers - Object Specific
  • Script Triggers - Field Validations
  • Script Triggers - More Layout Controls
  • Performance Optimization

  • Database Performance Optimization Overview
  • Introduction to Performance Issues
  • Making Scalable Databases - Part 1
  • Two Critical Principles
  • Making Scalable Databases - Part 2
  • What Makes Data to Move?
  • Editing Records
  • Sorting and Performance Issues
  • Finds, Indexes and Server
  • Replace, Relookup and Summary field
  • Searching Through Related Records
  • Intermediate Developer - Precisely Control FileMaker
  • Intermediate Developer - Centralizing All Code
  • Advanced Ninja Developer - Lean Design
  • Limiting Churn - Caching Values for Rapid Display
  • Limiting Size of TOGs
  • Tab Summary - Performance Tuning
  • Server Evidence - Slow Performance - Slow Scripts
  • Testing FileMaker Network Performance Part 1
  • Testing FileMaker Network Performance Part 2
  • FileMaker's 3 Engines with Nick Hunter
  • FileMaker Enterprise Summary

    Performance Optimization - OLD

  • Performance Improvements with the 16 Platform
  • Performance Improvements with the 15 Platform
  • Performance Improvements with the 14 Platform
  • Database Performance Tuning with Nick Lightbody
  • Script Transactions

  • Script Transactions - Introduction
  • Relationships

  • What is a Relationship?
  • Table Occurrence Basics
  • Relationship Graph & ERDs
  • What is a Portal... and a One to Many Relationship?
  • Multi-Predicate Relationships
  • Multi-Key Relationships
  • Cascading Adds
  • Cascading Deletes
  • Portal Dialog Options
  • Portals Dialog - Add-On Tables --- STILL HERE?
  • Portal Summary Sum Totals
  • Filtering Portals - Radio Buttons
  • Filtering Portals - Dynamic Search - Script Trigger
  • Portal Tree - Portal Subsummaries
  • Lookup Values
  • Relookup Command - Updating One Time Relationships
  • Anchor Buoy Design Methodology Part 1
  • Anchor Buoy Design Methodology Part 2
  • Master Detail Portals - New Feature
  • Master Detail Portals - Build one in 60 seconds
  • Many to Many Relationships
  • Preference Table in your Solution
  • Calculating and Primary Key with the current Year
  • Multiple Page Invoices - Portal Management - Part 1
  • Multiple Page Invoices - Portal Management - Part 2
  • Security

  • Security in FileMaker Overview
  • Security in FileMaker Overview
  • Accounts and Privileges
  • Extended Privileges...the Basics
  • Extended Privileges...Recent Changes
  • Encryption at Rest (EAR)
  • Point-to-Point Encryption - SSL Certificates
  • Security through Obscurity
  • Record Level Security
  • Layout and Process Access Controls - Restricting Staff
  • Hacking a FileMaker File... and Protecting It
  • CryptAuthCode Security Functions
  • Baby Administrators / Team Manager
  • Audit Trails

  • Audit Trails - Part 1 - Overview
  • New Audit Trails - Walkthrough
  • New Audit Trails - Under the Hood
  • New Audit Trails - Implementation
  • Old Video - Audit Trails - Logging Records viewed - HIPAA
  • Old Video - Audit Trails - Part 2 - Technical
  • Audit Trails - Audits in FMSP Part 1 - Old Video
  • Audit Trails - Audits in FMSP Part 2 - Old Video
  • Printing & Report Creation

  • Printing and PDF Generation
  • Structuring your data so it is reportable
  • Table View for Ad-Hoc Reporting
  • Layout Parts on List View - for Beginners
  • FileMaker Report Wizard - Very Cool
  • Printing & Reporting on Government Forms
  • Subsummaries in Detail
  • State of Charting in FileMaker
  • Built-in Charting Overview
  • Google Charts
  • MultiPage Append to PDF
  • Printing & Report Creation

  • What is a Report?
  • Structuring your data so it is reportable
  • Table View for Ad-Hoc Reporting
  • Layout Parts on List View - for Beginners
  • FileMaker Report Wizard - Very Cool
  • Printing & Reporting on Government Forms
  • Subsummaries in Detail
  • Built-in Charting - Calvin & Richard LiveStream
  • State of Charting in FileMaker
  • Built-in Charting Overview
  • Google Charts
  • Fusion Charts
  • MultiPage Append to PDF
  • Custom Functions

  • Top 10 FileMaker Custom Functions (For Senior Developers)
  • Richard Carlton's Top 5 FileMaker Custom Functions
  • Parsing XML - Custom Function
  • E-mailing, Imports and Exports - Basic Integration

  • Introduction to FileMaker Integration
  • Importing Data
  • New Import Dialog Introduced in FileMaker 18
  • Exporting Data
  • Scripting Import & Exports - Basics
  • Automating Imports or Exports - Robots and Servers
  • Send Email Script Step
  • Finding Your SMTP Settings
  • FMSP - Automating outbound emails
  • Spamming with FileMaker
  • Automating Emailing of Exports, Like a PDF
  • Multi-Table Imports... Complex Imports
  • Updating data in a FileMaker table...
  • Batch Importing Text files with Nick Hunter
  • Barcodes - Basic Integration

  • Barcode Deployment Planning & Options
  • Installing the Barcode Creator into FMSP
  • Scanning Items into Invoices with Barcodes
  • Under-the-hood with Scanner Barcodes In FMSP Part 1
  • Under-the-hood with Scanner Barcodes In FMSP Part 2
  • Under-the-hood with Scanner Barcodes In FMSP Part 3
  • USB Barcodes Gun We're Using
  • Setup Printer Labels & Users Scanning the Wrong Barcode
  • Viewer Questions & trouble shooting Barcodes
  • Infinite Peripherals Barcode Hardware for iPhone & iPad
  • Claris Add-Ons

  • Introduction to Add-Ons
  • Building an Add-On - Part 1
  • Building an Add-On - Part 2
  • Building an Add-On - Part 3
  • Misc Intermediate Integration

  • Intermediate Integration Overview
  • JSON in FileMaker Introduction for Beginners
  • JSON in FileMaker Introduction for Beginners Day 2
  • What is a FileMaker Robot?
  • Using 360Works Email Plugin to Send HTML Emails
  • Intro to Sending HTML emails and SMS messages
  • Building a Progress Bar in FileMaker
  • Validating Emails with a Service
  • Syncing to iPad or Syncing 2 databases
  • Clustering and Replication - MirrorSync 3
  • 360Works MirrorSync 4
  • LaTeX Demo with JRay (Overview)
  • Getting Driving Distance From Google
  • Getting your own Google API Key
  • Google Maps API Pricing Walkthrough
  • Cropping Images
  • Sending SMS with Twilio
  • US Postal Address Verification in FileMaker
  • Advanced Integration - PHP & REST

  • What is REST and Section Overview
  • What is OAuth?
  • Integration with Paypal - Short Overview
  • Integration with Paypal - Workflow Planning
  • Integration with Paypal - Setup Website
  • Integration with Paypal -Under-the-hood Walkthrough
  • Newbie Introduction to API Training #1
  • Newbie Introduction to API Training #2
  • Newbie Introduction to API Training #3
  • Newbie Introduction to API Training #4
  • Google Street Under the Hood - Nick Hunter
  • Custom Web Publishing #1 - Overview
  • Custom Web Publishing #2 - Technical Process Walkthrough
  • Custom Web Publishing #3 - Overview Moving from PHP 5 to PHP 7
  • Custom Web Publishing #4 - Airmoi Library for conversion to PHP 7
  • Custom Web Publishing #5 - Overview from PHP
  • Custom Web Publishing #6 - Technical Walkthrough of API Gateway
  • App Patching & Migration (APM)

  • Modern ways of Migrating Data & Patching FileMaker Files
  • Available tools for Data - The DMT and SOUP Tool
  • Data Migration Tool (FDMT) - Intro
  • Data Migration Tool (FDMT) - Rules of the Road
  • FDMT - CLI Test Drive
  • FDMT - Free Wrapper App - Productive Computing
  • FDMT - Paid Wrapper App - 360Works Deploy
  • WebDirect

  • WebDirect - Android Client for FileMaker - Introduction
  • Overview WebDirect - Android Client for FileMaker - Part 1
  • Overview WebDirect - Android Client for FileMaker - Part 2
  • Overview WebDirect - Android Client for FileMaker - Part 3
  • Overview WebDirect - Android Client for FileMaker - Part 4
  • Creating PDF's and Emailing from WebDirect
  • Serialized FileMaker Code & Add-On Modules

  • Add-On Tables and the Future
  • Misc Topics

  • Duplicate Module in FMSP Part 1
  • Duplicate Module in FMSP Part 2
  • Duplicate Module in FMSP Part 3
  • Duplicate Module in FMSP Part 4
  • FileMaker Developer Subscription - FDS
  • Final Sign Off

  • Final Sign Off

Deploy 2023 (Cloud and Server)

    Introductions - Overview

  • Deployment or Sharing Options - Overview
  • Basics of Sharing a Database using FileMaker Server
  • Basics of Sharing a Database using FileMaker Cloud
  • Choosing FileMaker Server or FileMaker Cloud?
  • Terminology
  • Detecting When a File is running on FileMaker Cloud
  • FileMaker Cloud 2

  • FileMaker Cloud Overview and Positioning
  • FileMaker Cloud Video 2
  • Cloud 2 Terminology
  • Process for Migrating to Cloud
  • What is FileMaker ID?
  • Basic Setup Process (Cloud2)
  • User Login to FMID Hosts
  • Applying FMID Security to fmp12 file
  • Get & Save Your Ear Password!
  • Database Backup Restoration, Renaming and Downloading

    FileMaker Server (On Premise Server)

  • Deployment & Sharing - Intro
  • Controlling FileMaker Server
  • FMS Install w/ William
  • Walkthrough of FMS Admin Console (Web Interface)
  • Finding the Server Logs
  • Scheduling Backups - The Basics
  • Hard Linking
  • Progressive Backups
  • FMS - Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • FMS - SSL Install
  • FMS - Admin API
  • PLL / Startup Restoration Overview
  • Turning On/OFF PLL / Startup Restoration
  • Restoring from a Crash with Startup Restoration
  • Restoring from a Crash w/o Startup Restoration
  • PCI FMS Admin Tool
  • Claus Lavendt Missing Admin Tool
  • FMS - Offsite Backups
  • Disconnecting Idle Users
  • SASE
  • FileMaker Server for Linux
  • Installing FileMaker Server for Linux on AWS
  • Windows Auto Update Crashes in FileMaker Server
  • Deploy FileMaker to the Enterprise

  • FileMaker Enterprise Summary
  • Worldwide Replication & OffLine Sync - Jesse Barnum - Day 1
  • Worldwide Replication & OffLine Sync - Jesse Barnum - Day 2
  • Worldwide Replication & OffLine Sync - Jesse Barnum - Day 3
  • Worldwide Replication & OffLine Sync - Jesse Barnum - Day 4
  • Worldwide Replication & OffLine Sync - Jesse Barnum - Day 5
  • AWS FMS Setup Video - Jacob Taylor - Part 1
  • AWS FMS Setup Video - Jacob Taylor - Part 2
  • AWS FMS Setup Video - Jacob Taylor - Part 3
  • AWS FMS Setup Video - Jacob Taylor - Part 4
  • AWS FMS Setup Video - Jacob Taylor - Part 5
  • AWS FMS Setup Video - Jacob Taylor - Part 6
  • IdP SSO Azure - Part 1
  • IdP SSO Azure - Part 2

Mobile 2023 (Go and Webdirect)


  • FileMaker Go 19 - Introduction
  • What is FileMaker Go?
  • Build with FMGo or Code Your Own Mobile App?
  • Go and WebDirect and their Place in the Universe
  • Go & WebDirect Overview and Summaries

  • Brain Dump: Everything You need to Know - FMGo
  • Brain Dump: Everything You need to Know - WebDirect
  • Installation

  • FMGo Installation
  • Installation of WebDirect
  • Navigation

  • Launch Center
  • Toolbar & Menu bar & Action Menu
  • Action Menu & Other Basic Controls
  • Action Menu Comparison - Go & WebDirect
  • Single Document Interface
  • Dynamic Window Control in Go & WebDirect
  • Connecting to FileMaker Server
  • Record Scroll Controls in Go - Record Locking Overview
  • Supported Modes and Layout Views in Go & WebDirect
  • Gesture Slide Controls - Go Only
  • Gesture Tap Controls - Go Only
  • Designing Layouts for Mobile Devices

  • Tuning Layouts for Deployment to FileMaker Go
  • Tuning Layouts - Touch Screen Considerations
  • Intro to Directed Workflow
  • Demos of Directed Workflow

  • Detecting Device & Platform Types - Go and WebDirect
  • Detecting Networks - Go Only
  • Locking Zoom on a Layout - Go Only
  • Orientation Detection - Go Only
  • Creating a New Layout for FileMaker Go
  • Optimizing the Layout and CSS Part 1
  • Optimizing the Layout and CSS Part 2
  • Controlling Animation States - Go Only
  • Inputting Data

  • Introduction to Input Methods for FileMaker Go
  • Custom Keyboards Overview - Go Only
  • Onscreen Keyboards on WebDirect & Android
  • Barcode Camera Integration & Insert from Device - Go Only
  • Supported Fonts and Styles - Go and WebDirect
  • Drag & Drop Images - Go Only
  • Auto Complete - Go Only

    Container Fields

  • Introduction to Containers
  • Containers & Camera - Go Only
  • Containers & Camera - WebDirect
  • Containers - Signatures - Go Only
  • Containers - Embedded Video Player Only on Pro
  • Containers - Interactive - Go & WebDirect
  • Containers - Digital Document - Webdirect Issues
  • Containers - AVPlayer Scripted Controls - Go Only
  • Containers - AVPlayer Script Triggers - Go Only
  • Web Viewers

  • Web Viewer - Go & Webdirect
  • Web Viewers - Signatures - WebDirect Only
  • Scripting

  • Script Step Comparison
  • GPS Location Functions - Go Only
  • URL Protocol and Sandboxing - Go and WebDirect
  • Plugins for Go & WebDirect
  • Script Error Capture & User Abort Controls- Go & WebDirect
  • Making Sure Users Save their Data
  • Local Notifications
  • Accessing Sensor Data
  • Printing and Exporting

  • Printing - Go & WebDirect
  • Emailing PDFs - Simple and Complex - Go Only
  • Exporting and Emailing - Go Only
  • Security

  • Security Overview & Keychains - Go Only
  • Sleep & Restore - Overview
  • Sleep & Restore - History
  • Sleep & Restore - Technical Part 2
  • TouchID
  • RF Radio - Go Only

  • iBeacons - RangeBeacons - Go Only
  • iBeacons - Configure Region Monitor for iBeacons - Go Only
  • Deployment

  • Deployment Strategies - Go And Webdirect
  • Old Video that Might be Useful

  • Brain Dump: Everything New in Go 18
  • Brain Dump: Everything New in Go 17
  • Brain Dump: Everything New in Go 16
  • Conclusion

  • Conclusion & Additional Video Resources
  • About the Author

UI Design Course

    Introduction & General Concepts

  • Introduction
  • Digging in!

  • Primary Navigation Design Patterns
  • Visual Hierarchy Design Patterns Part 1
  • Visual Hierarchy Design Patterns Part 2
  • Introduction to Column Construction Technique
  • Columns, Grid and Alignment Design pattern
  • From Desktop to Touch
  • Themes and Style - Sharing - Review Video
  • Combining Views - Slide Control Technique
  • iPad Landscape and Portrait Mode - Design Decisions
  • Calendar Date Style
  • Rounded Corners for Apple UI
  • Extra Content

  • Under the Hood with "UI" Sample "Red Downtown" Part 1
  • Under the Hood with "UI" Sample "Red Downtown" Part 2

FileMaker Course for Startups and Entrepreneurs


  • FileMaker's Business Introduction
  • Why Startups and Small Businesses Fail
  • Terminology
  • The Elevator Pitch (You need one - FileMaker's Elevator Pitch)
  • FileMaker's Extended Elevator Pitch Part 1
  • FileMaker's Extended Elevator Pitch Part 2
  • FileMaker's Extended Elevator Pitch Part 3
  • FileMaker's Extended Elevator Pitch Part 4
  • Planning

  • So you have an idea for an App.
  • What is FileMaker? How do you define what it is?
  • Planning your App - Sketch Pictures
  • Free Pre-Canned Solutions - FM Starting Point
  • UI vs UX
  • Consumption versus Creation
  • 3 Clients and a Bag of Cats
  • FM Server or FM Cloud ?
  • Each customer has their own copy of your App
  • Updating clients with new versions of your app
  • Off Line Customer...using your app
  • WebDirect, CWP & Licensing costs
  • Building Apps for Apple App Store
  • Building for Scalability


  • Estimating Development Costs
  • Fixed Cost Projects, and Agile Development
  • Dealing with Bugs
  • Commercializing an app your already have
  • Budgeting - Getting a Grip on a Startup Killer
  • How we produce Videos
  • Mechanics of producing Videos
  • Misc Marketing

  • Selling on a Subscription
  • FileMaker Runtime - Bad Idea
  • Reselling my own FileMaker App
  • Outside Help & Contractors

  • Hiring the Right Consultant/Developer
  • Off Shoring your Dev Work Part 1
  • Off Shoring your Dev Work Part 2
  • Organizing the Mayhem - Managing the Development Process with a Bug DB
  • Interviews with Successful Vertical Market App Developers

  • Interview with VetFM - Part 1
  • Interview with VetFM - Part 2
  • Interview with VetFM - Part 3
  • Interview with VetFM - Part 4
  • Interview with Jesse from N20
  • Conclusion

  • It's up to you to fix your pain - You can do it!
  • Conclusion

With this subscription you have access to each update Claris makes to their software, including new versions of Claris FileMaker Pro. You will also get any updated courses or even new courses automatically as long as your subscription is active.